Do’s and Don’ts in Modelling


Models this may help you to success!

It should always be remembered it's for you to decide on the type of modeling you want to do,

don't let anyone talk you into a different type of photography, unless you are completely happy to do so. Don't ever do anything that you might be sorry for later.

It should be of the up most importance that the safety of the model is the number one priority.
• Always make sure someone knows where you are and the time you are expected back.
• If possible take someone with you to a photo shoot.
• Let the photographer know that someone else knows where you are.
• Never give out your address unless you are confident about the person your giving it to.
• Don't give out your home phone number use a mobile number instead (most mobiles can't be traced).
• Be wary of model agencies that want a large sum of money up front just to be on their books.

Is it for me?

To be a model in today's cut and thrust society you have to be; ambitious, well organized, punctual, willing to travel/work or live in foreign countries, work long hours, put up with rejection, criticism, have a tolerant and even-tempered personality and above all believe in yourself.You will have to be able to present yourself at your very best at every audition you go to.
You may have to change your lifestyle completely ,exercise regularly, taking care of what you eat, take regular care of your skin, hair and nails and learn to for go parties if this will get in the way of your work.
Support of friends and family members will be important as you will almost certainly face rejection quite regularly, even ‘top’ models have to audition for assignments and will face rejection at times. Auditioning for modeling assignments can be a daunting task; you may find yourself going to as many as 20 - 50 auditions before landing a modeling job.

• So how do aspiring models become noticed?

Firstly you need some good photographs of yourself, with which you can promote yourself with, secondly you need to get noticed. This site could be one of your very first steps (everyone has to start somewhere, and you found us).
How do I get my photos?
If you can afford a professional photographer so much the better, if you cannot afford to pay a professional photographer, you still maybe able to get one to take your photos on a ‘time for prints’ basis (the photographer will take your photos for free but will have the right to use them as he so wishes. They will normally give you a full set of the photographs taken).
Many people will get a friend or relative to take their photos. This is perfectly acceptable and you may feel more relaxed, but you should remember if your working as a model the photographer will be a complete stranger .
Photographs taken by you through a mirror, in poor light, or taken down the photo booth in the local supermarket are not acceptable. We get many images of "would be models" that are taken in their front room at home complete with the three piece suite and childrens toys in the back ground. As you might have guessed these type of photos don't even get a second look before entering the bin no matter how beautiful the model is.
Another option is to try your local camera club, they will almost certainly be happy to take the shots in exchange for a couple of hours modeling.

Remember these images are your first impression, so don't send photographs taken in your lounge at home, at the very least make sure your images are taken against a plain wall for a back drop. Holiday photos of yourself are great for the family but not really suitable for your portfolio.

Tips for good photos


• Be relaxed, it will show in the finished images if you are uncomfortable.
• If your photographer has no lighting equipment, natural light is better than artificial lighting as this can create colour casts.
• A white sheet will make an adequate background; this should be flooded by light so there are no nasty black shadows behind you. (Make sure it is ironed first)
• Have several different types of outfits and accessories, including swim wear.
• Change your hairstyle every time you change an outfit so you do not look like a clothes prop, (this can be done simply by wearing a ribbon/ hair band, putting your hair up, or even wearing a hat).
• Get someone to help with makeup if necessary.
• Do some photos without makeup.
• Include close-up head and shoulder shots as well as full-length.
• Try out as many poses as you can, just changing the position of your hands can change a pose.
• Take black and white photographs as well as colour.

(Emma Rachael )

As well as submitting some of your your best photographs to this website, you should also have the best ones blown-up to 10" x 8" prints, mounted on black card or in a black folder to take along to auditions. This is your portfolio, and all modelling agencies will want to see one. A good portfolio should contain photographs from different photographers as they all have a different style and can make you look very different.

How do I make a good impression at an audition?

• Be positive, confident but not arrogant, agencies like using models the have an easy going personality and can get on with. A pretty face is not everything.
• Be friendly, but not over friendly, this is an interview.
• Dress casual but smart, clean well-tailored clothes (skirt best for girls).
• No heavy makeup.
• Take swim wear in case they ask you to change.
• If your doing topless or nude shots don't wear any tight fitting underwear etc. that will leave pressure marks on your skin.
• Make sure your nails are well cared for, no flakes of old nail varnish’ broken nails.
• Clean hair, (not in need of a cut), roots not showing if hair coloured.
• Don’t forget to clean your shoes.
• Lastly give yourself plenty of time to get there so you do not arrive flustered.


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